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Monologue, 2010

Video, HD, 16:30 min, color, sound

Monologue is a video consisting of a one minute dialogue between two people. Eight couples of performers deliver the dialogue once, then change places in the set and deliver it once more. This results in sixteen repetitions of the one-minute dialogue. Filming took in an almost empty room, devoid of information. The dialogue is based on excerpts from the diary of Clive Wearing, a chronic anterograde and retrograde amnesiac. As the title suggests, it is more of two monologues rather than a dialogue.

Concept video by Pantelis Makkas

With: Alexadra Paulidou, Anna Karamitsou, Antonis Fragakis, Konstantinos Avarikiotis, Dimitris Daskas, Vangelis Hatzinikolaou, Theodora Tzimou, Maria Panourgia, Nestor Kopsidas, Pantelis Makkas, Roxani Zogana, Kiara Karadima, Paris Tselios, Angelos Petroutsas, Maria Kallimani, Kallirroe Myriagou

password : pantelismakkas

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monologue still phd.jpg
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Photos and Video by PMStudio

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