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Visual & Video Art
Video & Projection Design in Theatre

Pantelis Makkas is a video artist, video designer and artistic director at PMStudio. He works with a variety of media and prac­tices ranging from visual art to exper­i­mental mul­ti­media per­for­mance incor­po­rating video, sound, lighting, the­ater, events, conserts ant TV. 

"The video concept and design"

​Perhaps Epidaurus (along with her audience) will have to accept the idea that visual representation is now a narrative possibility in the performance process and that the actor and his work can exist simultaneously in the physical as well as in the augmented digital his presence. Although widespread now, this idea is credited to the direction of Katerina Evagelatos because it is completely justified dramaturgically. The goddess Aphrodite is the director of "Hippolytus": She has the absolute power of his fate and that of the other heroes. As for the capture of the videos and the cinematography by Pantelis Makkas, the aesthetic effect is modern and attractive.


"Great video design by Pantelis Makkas."


 © 2019 by PMStudio, Athens

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